Strifey is married to Penny , has a 54 day old daughter named Strifette , and has a pet cat named Mr. Wiggles.
Farm horse: Grover
1 White Cow: Brupurt
2 White Chickens: Zikony , Gruners
2 Brown Chickens: Feffe , Zatse
6 Pigs: Frapabell , Filla , Snurto , Jepa , Bratello , Frotcha
1 Brown Cow: Saku
5 Ducks: Palbert , Snitso , Shumo , Fuke , Sesell
2 Rabbits: Wanaboo , Rase
1 Void Chicken: Bullu
3 Goats: June , Snurt , Caka
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