Chimera is married to Sebastian , has a 291 day old daughter named Eva and a 205 day old son named Cicero , and has a pet cat named Clementine.
Farm horse: Blitz
5 White Cows: Ivy , Yarrow , Meadow , Daffodil , Rowan
2 Void Chickens: Abyss , Void
5 Pigs: Trufflesnorf , Snurfle , Pigsutaki , Porkabella , Wilbur
1 Brown Cow: Hazel
4 Rabbits: Floofer , Fluffy , FLUFF. , Floofy
6 Ducks: Malachite , Kuu , Mallary , Chuto , The drunk , Quark
1 Goat: Asriel
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