Graham is married to Penny , has a 58 day old daughter named Emmy , and has a pet cat named Neko.
4 Sheeps: Kopabo , Kuners , Liskers , Jaskos
4 White Cows: Bamomoe , Wanny , Satsicka , Telloe
2 White Chickens: Frubba , Shena
6 Brown Chickens: Pri , Wumbus , Brollo , Lima , Nirda , Nimsy
1 Pig: Chutsa
4 Brown Cows: Pubbie , Mamamoo , Reke , Makello
1 Dinosaur: Denver
8 Ducks: Resomo , Snotsa , Brupomo , Prinsy , Cirtello , Bratie , Kona , Becke
4 Rabbits: Nella , Cellers , Chilley , Wickabella
1 Void Chicken: Bubzy
2 Goats: Gremo , Trana
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